Yup. That was it. I think someone actually got a video of it... world's most boring video? I think yes.
Afterwards we stopped by the pedestrian bridge, which was MUCH cooler, but since I am deathly afraid of heights, I was unable to snag a shot of it. I tried! Really, I did, but one step onto that rickity thing they called a bridge and I turned right back around and on to solid land. Sweet, sweet land.
After the canal we made another pitstop at the Agora of ancient Corinth.
Temple of Apollo |
More shots of the gigantic agora |
View of the acropolis from where Andrew, Molly, and I got frappes |
After that little adventure, we drove to Nauplion with a little My Big Fat Greek Wedding on in the background (I love you John Corbett!). This hotel was the cutest little thing you've ever seen. Kelsey and I shared what we liked to call the "Princess Room," complete with a bed literally on top of stone:

Shortly upon arriving in Nauplion, Joe decided to take the group up to the Palamidi Fortress, because it was free that day, and we couldn't exactly afford to say no to free:
Yupp... all the way up there (some 999 steps or so) |
If you don't believe I actually did it, you can ask me for a picture for proof (not one of my finer moments)... but just trust me on this one, mmkay?
After the treacherous hike, we cleaned up real quick and went out to dinner in town. The restaurant we chose that night featured such delicacies as Roasted Lamp and Lamp Chops (cue the "I love lamp" jokes). Oh those silly Greeks, gotta love 'em. That night, though, Dan ordered the rabbit and tortured me with it all night long. Poor, cute little bunny :(
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