6:50 PM

Arriving in Athens

Arriving in Greece was by far one of the most surreal experiences of my life. It didn't actually feel like I was in a foreign country at all. It probably didn't help that the very first thing I saw while landing on the tarmac was a great big Ikea store (yes, your favorite Swedish home products retailer). I think we all pretty much felt like that. There were a lot of "I can't believe we're actually here!"'s and several "This doesn't feel real"'s.

But, we were indeed in Greece, as evidenced by the fact that only those of us who had taken Greek before even recognized the letters that we were seeing, let alone begin to even understand any of the words we were hearing. The letters would slowly come to us, but we would only learn a handful of greek phrases (enough to get by, the most useful of which were probably excuse me, "signomi," and thank you, "efharisto").


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