7:57 PM

WE LOVE ARACHOVA, oh yes we do

I think most of my fellow Greece-rs can agree that we definitely did not stay in this little town long enough. I fell in LOVE with this place, and I don't think anywhere else even came close. I think a major contributing factor to this fondness was due to that fact that our hotel, Hotel Likoria, was solely occupied by our group (including Roula and Yiannis). That, and how can anyone resist that small town charm?

After checking into our hotel, a small group of us couldn't wait to explore! So off we were, to figure out what this small town had to offer us.

The most adorable little pup with no name
Typical alleyway 

Pretty purple

Playing b-ball.. white kids can jump?
Another alleyway

Hope Michael Jackson knew there was someone out there yearning him 

Loved these strings of stars everywhere

Somewhere along our stroll... we were attacked!

...luckily Kristine got the brunt of it. 
Eventually we made it back to our lovely hotel 


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