2:05 PM

End of week one in Greece

Kristine & I at Sounion!

Day Seven of our Greece adventure took us to Sounion. This day also happened to be the day after Katie's birthday, and she scored with a sweet little Sounion book from Roula (color me jealous!).

Besides the gorgeous view-- Sounion is said to have one of the most beautiful sunsets you could ever hope to see-- Sounion is where you can find The Temple of Poseidon, god of the sea.

Temple of Poseidon
Alexis & Moe, contemplating the sea?

Although we didn't get to stay for the famous sunset, we did get to circle up for another story time, courtesy of our dear old friend Herodotus. This was our first story-sesh that we witnessed Joe's uncanny ability to mimic an old hag. It was frightening, to say the least.

Just a short bus ride from Sounion led us to the Thorikos Theater. This was where we held our second play, and was a much for fitting location. Here we performed the story of Persephone and those damn pomegranate seeds. This served as a background for our trip the next day....

After the little play concluded, we continued onward to Lavrion and St. Paul's nunnery. While I didn't get any decent pictures of this place, it was definitely one of my favorite places we visited during the whole trip. We were able to have a Q&A session with a couple of the nuns, which was definitely the most unique experience we had while in Greece. I found myself almost not wanting to leave this peaceful place.

That night we had our second group dinner at a Cretan restaurant in Glyfada.

Sunset on the walk home from dinner


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