5:52 PM

My very first post!

Welcome, welcome, one and all, to my little blog that I'm being forced to write (just kidding!). No really, I probably would have done this eventually, but on my own timeline.

Hopefully my pictures will offer a different perspective of our trip to Greece, and if I get around to it, my adventures after leaving Ελλάδα (Hellas). I won't be a main character in these photos, but perhaps I'll make a guest appearance or two. I wasn't much one for posing next to statues or monuments, they were just fine on their own!

I'm betting what I write will be more than most will want to read (especially Joe, who has to read all 26 blogs), but I want to be able to remember this trip for years to come. My memories are already starting to fade, so we'll see how this goes...

So follow me on my adventure through Greece (and possibly Madrid & Rome) and enjoy.

That would be the Temple of Poseidon you're looking at!


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