8:41 PM

That day that no one wanted to be awake

Like I said before, our first day in Crete we were walking around like zombies. Nobody had slept well on the ferry ride over and, therefore, no one was in a good mood. After dropping off our bags and eating breakfast in the hotel (nope, no showers, which means a more authentic zombie experience) we went straight to the Heraklion Archaeological Museum. Since I really don't remember much, here are some pretty, pretty pictures:

Octopi/Squid: my obsession

Bull's Head Rython

Snake Goddess

The Bull Leaper 

The Phaistos Disk
After that, we walked over to Morosini Fountain, aka the Lion's Fountain.

Technically the Morosini Fountain

Sometime after that we made our way over to Knossos, aka the Labyrinth. It is one of the largest archaeological sites on the island of Crete.. and consequently super-duper touristy.

There were a lot of frescoes here that we had previously been exposed to at the the archeological museum earlier in the day, so that was pretty neat.

We had to wait in the longest line we encountered in all of Greece just to get into the Throne Room. Which was this:

Prettyyy uneventful, and a bit campy, too. After this we went to this cute little shop where they showed us a clip about olive oil (which Kyle fell asleep during.. although I nearly did too). Here we received some samplings of said olive oil, and a little vino as well. Food + wine = a previously unhappy Kelly a happy camper.

END of day 16. Four more to go (but who's counting?)


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