9:01 PM

Didn't you know? Cameras don't work without batteries

OH MY GOD, I think I might just be the most brilliant person on the planet. The day we went to Santorini was the day I forgot my camera battery. Oh yes, I had my camera, I was just lacking that ever so essential component that gives it life. Brilliant!!! The whole ferry ride over there I was depressed beyond belief. But life goes on! And so will this post...

If you don't mind, I'm going to snag these pictures from Robyn's Facebook album, seeing as how we shared this lovely day together. We started off by having a nice little lunch with our tour guide, Roula, at her favorite restaurant on the island, while everyone else went to the beach. To give you a little background: Roula is one classy lady, and she doesn't mess around. This lunch was incredible. The view was literally something out of a picture book, and the food was absolutely to die for. Seriously, if you are ever in Santorini, try the tomato pancakes. It will undoubtedly be the best decision of your life.

After lunch we shopped our way through the little town. We found a little jewelry shop that had pieces made out of Greek volcanic rock and Spanish coral. I got gifts for my mom, my roommate, and myself! After exhausting all of our shopping options, Robyn and I stopped a cafe and treated ourself to dessert (why not, right?). The place we happened to choose was the same place Roula had decided to enjoy her ritual coffee + cigarette. I had to assure here that we weren't following her!!

Santorini was absolutely breathtaking. I am so glad I got to spend the day there with Robyn! It was nice to kind of get away from the group and not have a super-strict schedule.

Sunset on the ferry ride home


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