6:57 PM

OH WAIT! There's more

Apparently I ended that last post a bit too soon... after continuing through my pictures (and reading others blogs), I realized that I DO know what happened after our metro-adventure... we went on a hike! It's all coming back to me now..

We went on a hike up Lykavittos! And here I use the term "hike" loosely, as Diana, Kyle, Sara and I opted to take the tram up the hill. I'll admit, the euros I spent on this were most likely wasted, but we got to piss off some Spanish ladies and have Diana talk back to them in their native language (much to their surprise) so it might have been worth it.

At any rate, there we were! On top of the tallest hill in all of Athens, at 908 feet above sea level. At the very tippy-top is where you can find the Chapel of St. George.. as well as the site of our very first play in Greece! Ah yes, these plays quickly became our favorite method of learning (I think you can see why).

Sara as the dragon.. noice
Liz as the princess in needing of saving
King George (Courtney)
on her trusted steed (Kelsey)
Preparing to slay the dragon, perhaps?

And now, for your viewing pleasure, a couple of panoramic views of Athens:

(you get the point!)

And NOW I remember what we did for dinner, and I was right before! It did indeed involve delicious Greek cuisine and wonderful company! We sauntered into this cute little Greek restaurant somewhere at the foot of Lykavittos that was recommended by Karey's Lonely Planet book (despite Joe's snide remarks about the quality of said guide book), where I had hands-down the BEST stuffed peppers in all of Greece. And yes, I compared all subsequent stuffed vegetables (be they peppers or tomatoes) and none of them even came close.

And if THAT wasn't enough for you, after dinner we conveniently passed by the Benaki Museum and even more conveniently were let in fo' FREE. As you can imagine, we were all dog-tired, but we weren't willing to let a learning opportunity pass us by. It was here that we were first confronted with geometric patterns and red & black figures. Go ahead, ask me: which came first, the red figure or the black figure?

Now really, I could listen to Joe for hours, but when it comes down to a battle between the Sand Man and Joe, the former usually wins. By the end of the tour we were all sleepy-eyed and slightly grumpy. I secretly thought that it was Joe & Karey's plan all along to tire us out to the point of exhaustion so that we didn't make it out to the clubs that night... it worked! After the Benaki we all went back to the hotel and snuggled up for a well-deserved, full-night's sleep.


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